Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why does inspiration come to us at the oddest of hours? Whyy?


Ever experienced that feeling when you're falling asleep and you slip back into reality and you feel like you jumped off a cliff to land on another one, but the earth moved beneath you, making you fall? A little like when you climb down the stairs and you imagine there to be a step, but there wasn't one so you reach the landing, which is a level higher than you expect it to be.
Slipping between reality and dreams..I feel it's in a way sort of like life. Got to be careful when you slip though, cos you never know what you may fall onto when you reach the bottom..
Also like love, a leap of faith can either be a breath of fresh air, or the end of you.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Done at last!

I've reached yet another milestone in life. One I've always longed to reach, one I've always dreamt of achieving. The only thing I didn't put much thought into, though, was what would it be like once it was all over? What would I feel? Excitement? Happiness? Sadness?
I don't know. I didn't know then and I don't really know now. It seems as if I've reached some sort of crossroads. And I don't know which turn to take next.
I do feel one emotion though: Relief. I've successfully completed my 5 years of architecture, and I guess the ending was pretty good too. And really, the relief is indeed overwhelming.
Something makes me feel a little unsettled though. I don't quite know what it is yet, and I don't really want to bother about it.
I want to believe I have time as of now. I want to believe I can do all I've wanted to do all this time. I want to believe I've broken free from whatever was keeping me chained (to my laptop I should say)..
And with that positive (sort of) thought, I try to get some sleep tonight.
Adieu, architecture student life! Adieu, USD!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reading my old posts, I can't wait to start writing again. It's been so long! And I feel like something inside me is struggling to get out.. (no, not in a gory way). Just waiting to get over and done with my Final Thesis and then to return to being a dedicated writer at my blog (something I have never been able to keep up to, ever).
Keeping fingers crossed for the jury to go fine..